Fabric Photos, Room 9, 1987
From the press release, co-authored by Cindy Bernard, Martha Godfrey and Liz Larner, February 1987
Local artists Martha Godfrey, Cindy Bernard and Liz Larner
will be showing their artwork for one n1ght only on March 28
in Room 9 of the Tropicana Motel, 8585 Santa Monica Blvd. in
Hollywood. A reception will be held from 5 – 11 pm.
Despite its growing reputation as an “art metropolis”,
Los Angeles remains a city where local artists have few
opportunities to show their artwork. It is necessary for artists
to take the initiative to provide a venue for their work to be
seen. “Room 9” is the first in a series of exhibitions in which
artists show works in settings that they control.
In “Room 9 ” Martha Godfrey’s redecoration of the bathroom
uses photographs, mirrors and aluminum fragments to incite literal
and memorable irritation and discomfort. A subtle psychodrama is
played out when the guest/viewer finds him/herself denied the
practical and invaded by the too familiar. Cindy Bernard’s
photographs of fabrics that resemble painting create a resonance
between painting as “original” and its copy in mass culture.
Liz Larner presents living organisms in combinaton with objects
and elements as Culture. Growth is important.
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