Ask the Dust: Vertigo (1958/1990) acquired by MOMA!
Thanks to David Platzker and Roxana Marcoci for guiding my work into the collection and to John Baldessari for donating it!
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The San Francisco of Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo: Place, Pilgrimage and Commemoration , 2012
Cunningham, Douglas, “Proposed Locations: On Postmodern Tributes to Vertigo and Place: Cindy Bernard in conversation with Douglas Cunningham,” The San Francisco of Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo:...
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Los Angeles Times, 1992
If Ask the Dust deals obliquely with the difficult relationship between art and life, the new word does so more insistently. Here art is not...
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Artforum, 1990
Bernard’s strategy entails a two-way deconstruction. By draining the original film’s mise-en-scéne of all narrative and semiotic connections, Bernard familiarizes the filmic through reprivileging the...
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Ask the Dust, Richard Kuhlenschmidt Gallery, 1990
…I’m thinking, time for a beer, just as every cloud in the sky leaves me with nothing to think about but an infinity of the...
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